Ambienta Cubicle™ - Restroom Compartments
Cubicle Features
Ambienta Cubicles are contemporary design restroom compartments offered in a range of natural and durable materials delivering visually stunning, high performance solutions without compromise.
Wherever there is a need for privacy cubicles, be they wood,glass or phenolic, Ambienta Cubicles are a smart solution. Fully integrated system components include concealed hardware, total privacy flush face doors and pilasters, and integrated access panels. The net result is a modular solution that is tailored to the uniqe needs and aesthetic demands of your project
Key Features
Because Ambienta Cubicles are available in a wide spectrum of materials, the system provides beautifully simple solutions across all major market segments. The natural beauty of real wood architectural quality finishes lend themselves to corporate and hospitality interiors.
High impact phenolic panels are equally at home in airports as they are in schools, sports facilities and gymnasia.
Glass is the perfect material where hygene is of paramount importance. That means that Ambienta Secure 'G'components are ideal for Healthcare, Education and Corporate environments.
The Ambienta Cubicle System is ingenious in the simplicity of its design.
The decision that drives cost really becomes one of material selection. Glass is more expensive than Wood and Phenolic. Within each material group there are opportunities for different performance and finish levels that can affect the overall price too.
The Ambienta Cubicle System is ingenious in the simplicity of its design.
The decision that drives cost really becomes one of material selection. Glass is more expensive than Wood and Phenolic. Within each material group there are opportunities for different performance and finish levels that can affect the overall price too.
Beautifully simple in it's modular design, easy to specify, quick to install, and with a wide range of colors, textures and natural finishes, durable AMBIENTA CUBICLES are unsurpassed in both quality and integrity.